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Budgeting Tool
Take control of your finances this year with our useful budget tracker. Your monthly financial audit provides you with vital information about your cash flow.
Income Tax Calculator
This handy tool allows you to figure out your household income tax, and start preparing to budget for it!
Annual Credit Report
Check your credit score, and learn how it can affect the major purchases in your life.
Mortgage Calculator
Find out how long you can expect to be paying off your mortgage, and how much you'll be paying by the end.
Cope's Reading List
Top picks from Professor Cope to further your financial education.
Brandon Copeland
Your Money Playbook
Robert Kiyosaki
Rich Dad, Poor Dad
Allen Watkins
​The Reality of Real Estate Investing
David Greene
Long-Distance Real Estate Investing
David Bach
The Automatic Millionaire
The Latte Factor
James Clear
Atomic Habits
Mike Michalowicz
Profit First
Chris Voss
Never Split the Difference
Simon Sinek
Start with Why
The journey to financial freedom starts here. Enroll in Life 101: The Fundamentals.